Threats to Democracy in Portugal: The Rising Challenge Posed by Extremist Forces

Moving forward, as the political landscape in our country descends into increasing instability, we are committed to extensively documenting the absurdities unfolding in our society. Our coverage will not only include comprehensive translations but also a departure from our previous reservation in expressing our opinions. It has become evident that, despite 50 years of democracy, we find ourselves at a juncture where confronting fascist forces demands a resolute stand.


The individual you see on the photo before you exhibited the audacity to appear on television and issue a threat to the entire nation, asserting that unless the Police’s demands are met, they cannot guarantee the safety of elections, thereby jeopardizing the electoral process. For years, I’ve been expressing concern about the need for a serious investigation into police forces, as it is likely to reveal a surprising number of far-right extremists among them.

Until recently, we had been supporting and accommodating the demands of the Police. However, this gentleman’s regrettable and embarrassing live television moment has exposed that, at its core, the police may be seeking nothing less than the erosion of democracy. While I want to believe that such sentiments are held by a minority, it’s disconcerting to note that this “gentleman” is the head of the Police syndicate, implying that he represents the will of many within the force.

This situation compels us to reflect on the Police’s allegiance 50 years after the end of fascism. It’s time for them to declare their stance: will they defend democracy, as their predecessors did, or will they attempt to transform into a new force reminiscent of fascist muscle policing? The answer lies in their actions and choices in the days to come.

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